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Privacy Policy


The Lakes at Lacey Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard your personal information in relation to our event venue services.

Information Collection: We may collect certain personal information from you when you engage with our event venue services. This may include your name, contact details (such as phone number and email address), company information, and any other information relevant to your event booking.

Use of Information: We use the collected information to understand your event requirements, communicate with you effectively, provide our event venue services, and improve your overall experience. We may also use your information to send you promotional materials or offer you additional services related to our event venues, subject to your consent where required by applicable laws.

Disclosure of Information: We may share your personal information with our preferred partner vendors and non-preferred partner vendors who assist potential and confirmed clients in delivering their specific products and services. We only disclose your information to these parties to the extent necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to preferred vendors, non-preferred vendors and third parties for their marketing purposes.

Data Security: We employ appropriate security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We secure the information you provide through physical, technical, and administrative safeguards. However, no data transmission or storage method can guarantee absolute security. Therefore, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its security.

Retention: We retain your personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is required by law.

Third-Party Links: Our event venue services may contain links to external websites or third-party services. Please note that we have no control over these third-party sites or their privacy practices. Therefore, we encourage you to review their privacy policies before providing any personal information.

Children’s Privacy: Our event venue services are not directed to individuals under the age of 16. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 16, we will take steps to promptly delete such information.

Changes to the Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update or modify this privacy policy at any time and without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting the revised version on our website. We encourage you to review this privacy policy periodically for any updates or changes.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy or the handling of your personal information, please reach out to